US jobs data adds to investor confidence over strength of American economy
New indictment adds count of money laundering to case against Terraform Labs co-founder
The sector expects lighter regulation and wider adoption under the president-elect, but some worry about systemic risks
FCA has not yet used new powers to fine or prosecute groups that do not co-operate
We failed to foresee the Trump effect and the scale of the boost his election win would give to the crypto universe
There has been a profound shift in thinking on capital raisings
Peso allowed to rise sharply this year in real terms, fuelling competitiveness concerns
US approach to digital currencies will draw business from Europe, industry executives say
High prices in dollars deter foreigners and fuel Argentine holidays to Brazil
His policies would cement the US currency’s dominance while undercutting the institutional framework that is its bedrock
The crypto craze celebrates the silliness of digital assets linked to the ephemera of social media
President faces greatest challenge in his third term as leader
A scrip still handed out by city of Hawarden is built on sound administration
Convertible bonds to fund bitcoin purchases have been lapped up by investors, but some fear impact if token falls sharply
Copper abandons FCA application after trying to gain regulator’s approval for several years
What if Bitcoin got adopted as the only way of paying for coffee?
Crypto strategies made more than 30 per cent in November following Donald Trump’s election victory
Wall Street stocks steady after heaviest sell-off since August
Pyongyang-affiliated groups account for two-thirds of digital asset thefts globally, according to blockchain research data
RIP Chivo, we hardly knew ye
Japan’s central bank governor says ‘one more notch’ of information needed to justify raising rates
US currency hits strongest level in two years after central bank signals only half a percentage point of reductions in 2025
Investors issue warning after central bank burns through billions of dollars and lifts rates in attempt to prop up real
Plus Brazil’s currency crisis
Surging demand from tech sector could overwhelm generation capacity, report says