Changing older properties is crucial if the country is to meet its energy efficiency goals
Month-on-month increase of 0.7% takes average house price close to record high
Even holiday caravans have been known to skew England’s housebuilding data
Fully managed offices show owners trying new ways to attract tenants
Michael Cassidy had a key role in transforming the UK’s tired financial district into a global behemoth
From a grand Regency town house of the type immortalised in Jane Austen novels, to a pretty stone cottage in a nearby village
Private capital and pension fund money flowing into single-family rental homes as demand soars
High inflation, interest rates and building safety costs are driving collapse in construction
Research highlights impact of decade of faster house price rises in rest of country
Vistry shares drop after it issues third profit warning as others suffer from falling sales
Zoopla data shows rise ahead of change to levy regime in April
Mayor’s property development vehicle repeatedly missed payments on £300mn debt
Landlords in the capital have been passing on higher costs to tenants amid a shortage of properties
Ministry of Defence to save £230mn in rent every year by buying back 36,000 properties sold off in 1996
Environment Agency says updated analysis has produced more pessimistic outlook of threat to homes by 2050
From a baronial-style mansion in the Scottish Highlands with its own trout fishing loch to a Lake Como escape with guesthouse and limonaia
1 Undershaft will be the same height as the Shard across the Thames
The haggling is in full swing: with a near record number of unsold new homes and the wealthiest reconsidering their options, estate agents are sweaty palmed, but savvy buyers are scoring hefty discounts
Lower-grade land will be classed as ‘grey belt’ and open for redevelopment
Too many caveats surround the government’s goal of building 300,000 new homes a year
Surveyors also find estate agents are expecting the slowest growth in rental costs in almost four years
Experts say councils may be given too much time to produce local plans that permit increased development
Office for National Statistics data highlights property market pressures
Housing secretary Angela Rayner says ministers will be ‘grasping the nettle’ in system overhaul
Developer hails ‘inflection’ point triggered by government plans for construction boom