Species resurrection is nearing reality — it may also be distracting us from saving animals on the brink
Kana Inagaki and Henry Mance tell the inside story of an extraordinary corporate decision
Held in the country for six years, the former prisoner shares her insights into how repressive states work — and finding escape through books
The continent has yet to create a tech company to rival Alphabet, Amazon or Apple. Ian Hogarth explains why this matters — and how to set it right
The tech billionaire’s backing of Donald Trump is part of a worldview that draws on Silicon Valley’s wildest frontiers
Democratic norms look unusually fragile in the US. Historian Mark Mazower argues that it is an outlier, not a precursor
The Republican president-elect is inaugurating a new era in US politics and perhaps for the world as a whole
In the US presidential campaign and beyond, politics is taking a heavy psychological toll. Can we raise the tone?
A torrent of data on the presidential race seems to get us no closer to predicting the result. Is addiction to polling distracting people from the issues at stake?
Lebanese academic and diplomat Ghassan Salamé on how conflict engulfed his country — and why it is folly to try to reshape the region by force
A record backlog of criminal trials has left lawyers ‘drowning in cases’. Henry Mance goes in search of the answers
A museum closure has shone a light on the vast collections acquired during the bubble years — and warned companies that change is coming
To solve its housing crisis, Britain needs to start planning again — and rekindle the urban idealism of the postwar decades
He has won and lost fortunes with his bets on technology. So is the investor a visionary — or a gambler who got lucky?
For 30 years, the FT’s flagship interview has featured a who’s who of our times. Henry Mance explains its magic
A shadow world of secret wealth now threatens us all. We need to shut it down, argues Anne Applebaum
The tiny creatures on which the world depends seem to be in decline. But what does the data really say — and what is to be done?
As the US contemplates electing its first female president, Erica Wagner explores what the long fight for equality tells us about that choice
Violence on British streets has reopened an age-old debate about what drives disorder — and what can be done about it
Bats, giant airborne insects, lethally sharp decor: FT journalists share their hotel nightmares
Diplomatic overtures and treaty revisions are not enough, argues Philippe Sands — the country needs a fundamental rethink of its role in the world
Swift action to impound palatial boats became a symbol of western resolve after the invasion of Ukraine. Now the costs are mounting for owners and governments alike
After a divisive election, this summer’s Games will fire the starting gun on a vast project to transform the French capital
Following the England team in Germany, Gideon Rachman watches new football stars emerge in the shadow of war and a resurgent far right
As voters prepare to head to the polls, the historian reflects on campaigns through the centuries and their depiction in great art