From investing without losing it, to green finance and getting rich quick
FT columnists Stuart Kirk, Claer Barrett and Moria O’Neill to take reader questions at online webinar
His incoming administration illustrates the benefits of diversity
Neither theory nor practice supports diligently adjusting your exposures
Uncertainty around trade merely increases the equity risk premium
As I reach the two-year anniversary, I find generally sweet returns — with one flaw
Companies and countries should maintain a laser-like focus on what they do best
Even so, I’m yearning to have a go if only to amuse my readers
It feels so wrong, but investors (me included) needn’t worry so much
Corporate profits matter, but some results matter more than others
The stigma that finance has long endured is both out-of-date and unwarranted
As with parenting, constraints are not enemies. Quite the opposite in fact
As the fourth quarter looms, portfolio risk, US equities and China are all that matters
Investment pundit Stuart Kirk shares his master plan for building wealth
I’m after any funds replicating an emerging markets ex-Asia index
Economic objectives are mean by comparison with aesthetic considerations
The story is always compelling but the returns are not
Boosting investment returns sure beats working for longer in order to retire
Why I won’t even leave the beach for a one-day decline of 12 per cent
From photography to working from home, being able to prove things are real is ever more important
What could put investors in a better mood to buy than a couple of months of sport and sun? But the season has its pitfalls
Worry not if policies are discounted, they are sideshows versus fundamentals
Macron madness rings my contrarian bells
My previous column on investment trusts filled my mailbag with expert responses
For me there is no sensible reason why their share prices trade at a discount to NAV