It’s time to bet against American exceptionalism
The US has never been so overhyped, relative to the rest of the world
Antipathy to big government and big business has helped spur the rise of a third force in US politics
Its lopsided, brittle quality helps explain why so many Americans will cast votes in anger
Economies are facing another ‘lost decade’
There is a populist idea that would be both good economics and good politics
Why no one wants to be the nation’s top tycoon any more
The unreachable American dream of ownership could be a decisive issue in the presidential contest
An emerging market revival has begun, with dramatic global implications
No, but he was a less costly regulator than his rivals
The UK and EU are falling behind the US for a reason: overprotective government
Amid the confusion of recent elections, here is one factor with real economic impact
The flaws in the economic system are real, and better ‘messaging’ won’t fix them
America has become unhealthily dependent on loose money and big government, argues Ruchir Sharma
On the campaign trail doubts are raised over whether the prime minister and his BJP are set for another overwhelming win
The fates of former ‘model’ economies carry lessons for current stars
One overlooked reason for US resilience is stimulus still coursing through the economy
Voters are increasingly willing to trade political freedom for economic progress
Some of the most prominent beleaguered nations are now carrying out radical reforms
The most popular cryptocurrency is starting to look like more than a passing fad
While the US rise in stock prices is all about tech, India’s boom is more broad-based
After a decade of stability in a country not known for it, Joko Widodo will be a hard act to follow
Voters are reacting to long-term problems, and looking for fresh fixes
Leaders should be wary of curbing the force that helped save the world economy in 2023
Europe’s economy will be more resilient than the US, the dollar will weaken and investors will demand a premium on long-term debt