Stanford University course tells participants how to turn ideas into fundable ventures
Marvin Rees starts initiative to use money from local companies to reshape city
Overall winner from Gilbert + Tobin is on a mission to make changes — including a ban on the term ‘non-lawyer’
19th-century liberal offers counsel after gilets jaunes protests against tax reform
Orrick winner brings fresh thinking, legal nuance and a practical understanding of the courts
New thinking is driving success in business and making justice more accessible
Erdogan risks squandering the hard-won benefits of 2001’s economic reforms
We need solutions to the crisis in adult social care in the UK
Sixteen years of watching President Erdogan undermine the country’s institutions
The BenevolentBio CEO talks about her quest to change behaviour and method
Five FT writers share their personal stories of how dementia has affected their family
UK millennial makes Disney-themed robotic limbs, ex-White House adviser does drones
Paris touts excellence of engineers and openness to foreigners with brains and money
New tools for ‘over-mentored’ employees to diversify top ranks
FT catches up with Sir Mike Rake’s FTSE 100 mentee Andrea Blance six years after pairing
Turning point came with opposition to Turkey trying to join EU
Notebook: There is too much to fix to leave Europe to the care of politicians, writes Leyla Boulton