Looking at the technology through a different cultural lens casts its threat and promise in a new light
World’s largest city begins radical experiment as it tries to tackle demographic crisis
Violence against elderly couple comes as Japanese bank tries to convince customers to invest in riskier assets
The government’s campaign against overwork could have far-reaching consequences for businesses and consumers
Ban on ‘kasu-hara’ abuse prompted by alarm at rising harassment of city’s workers by angry clientele
The city is seeing a boom in commercial construction but labour scarcity has made location a critical concern for companies
Military tries to reverse recruitment shortfall as population shrinks and ages
The sci-fi show is deliciously dark, but its Japanese architecture and design are rays of inspiration
An army of vending machines is defying the drive to cashlessness but recalibrating them will be expensive
Running in one of Japan’s beloved long-distance relay races taught me an important lesson
Barrier to deter sightseers highlights friction generated by rising visitor numbers drawn by weak yen
Demographics are squeezing Japan’s ability to continue to deliver high levels of service
A wave of activism is coming from a quarter Japanese companies did not expect
The beauty of cherry blossoms lies in their ephemerality — a hard thing for modern mankind to grasp
Latest data shows number of Japanese nationals falling by almost 100 an hour on average despite government efforts
Optimism is tempered by concerns about a shrinking workforce
Job agency chief warns that while the latest tech tools are producing more candidates, public mistrust is hindering progress
Reversing population decline will need more than just economic incentives
Share prices may have finally overtaken level of 1989 but sentiment in Tokyo is nowhere near as bullish as it was
The word ‘Gambatte!’ is much-loved in the country’s lexicon, but could it be about to outlive its purpose?
Mobile carrier teams up with Mitsubishi to take joint control of 15,000-strong chain
Farmers, retailers and builders rethink business models as world’s fastest-ageing society runs out of workers
Military sent to rescue people trapped after shocks kill four and leave thousands of homes without power
To many, the legal pursuit of an avicidal driver will look like a sign of gross fiscal indiscipline
The latest in the monster series can be seen as an allegory that lets the country move on from past traumas