Chinese territory’s chief executive John Lee tries to turn around economy amid fall in tourism and consumption
Falling rates and Chinese stimulus offer glimmers of hope but the financial hub’s property, tourism and retail sectors are still suffering
$4bn secondary listing is exchange’s biggest offering since 2021 but does not signal a revival, say analysts
New World Development shares closed down 13%
Chinese territory launches courtesy campaign over fears reputation for rudeness is hurting economy
Prices on secondary market for lifetime memberships continue to slide post-pandemic as city’s troubles squeeze demand
Territory tries to maintain allure in wake of pandemic and political crackdown
Prices and rents have fallen amid higher interest rates and a slowdown in China. Some experts warn that recovery could be elusive
Cargo volumes fall 14% while other Chinese cities record rise in throughput
Former buffer zone to deter smugglers is now part of Beijing’s hopes for greater integration with mainland
The creative sector is struggling to revive the glory days of its iconic films and pop culture
Hong Kong stock exchange’s shares down more than 40% under Nicolas Aguzin’s tenure
Chinese Premier Li Qiang says ‘effective measures’ needed to boost confidence
Politicians and retailers alarmed as shoppers increasingly head to the mainland for cheaper goods
John Lee announces $2,556 cash handouts for new parents in bid to boost world’s lowest birth rate
Chinachem’s chief executive says the government is taking more control of the market
Five of the territory’s biggest real estate companies have lost $20bn in market value this year
Property market slump in mainland China is partly to blame and locals are in no position to pick up the slack
Aguzin highlights greater access to Chinese retail market as lure for overseas companies
Beijing’s increased control of former British colony has chipped away at power of territory’s tycoons
Government drops most visible pandemic control as it seeks to revive financial hub
FT analysis of real estate prices, air traffic and other indicators suggests Chinese territory has lost ground in recent years
City’s annual budget targets economic recovery with consumption stimulus and incentives for homebuyers
Proposals are latest sign of territory’s ambition to become Asia’s premier digital assets hub
City pins its hopes on a comeback after its economy was battered by three years of lockdowns