Companies take advantage of huge investor demand to pull forward bond issuance originally planned for next year
Borrowers turn to distressed exchanges in the face of punitive interest rates
Investors piled into fixed income in bet on falling interest rates
Troubled utility seeks approval for ‘urgent’ £3bn loan from its top-ranking lenders
Junior bondholders are planning to challenge emergency £3bn loan in court next week
Plus credit spreads, and more on department stores
London landlord has no major debts due before 2028 after securing £2bn of headroom in transactions this year
Banks sell bonds backed by revenues from chicken wings, music catalogues and oil wells
Decisions by the world’s biggest active bond fund manager have potential to trigger valuation changes across markets
Market participants are realising that the flat, low, predictable rates over the past 15 years were an anomaly
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings
Alibaba and Ping An among corporates attracted to cheaper form of financing
Debt deals by Blackstone, Elliott and Vista Equity Partners point to a sea change in the market
Fees represent an additional drain on finances of troubled UK utility as customer bills are set to rise
Canadian asset manager agrees to provide equity commitment if landlord cannot pay off bonds
Not great, Bob
People aren’t as worried about bond market liquidity \o/
Hedge funds and bond managers are willing to invest millions of dollars to get reorganised carrier off the ground
Borrowers ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ to raise more than $50bn this week
Markets look through near-term loosening to medium-term picture for inflation and growth
Rival groups of bondholders are vying to extend loans to the troubled UK utility
Junior creditors say their financing would come with cheaper and more flexible terms
Bond issue documentation shows UK utility under pressure over high financing costs
Investors are still not entirely convinced a downgrade can be averted
If there is a company worthy of handling a low credit rating it may be the Greek yoghurt maker