Fully managed offices show owners trying new ways to attract tenants
Michael Cassidy had a key role in transforming the UK’s tired financial district into a global behemoth
Availability of outdoor shopping centre space is at its lowest in nearly two decades
Expect interest rate expectations to continue to colour investors’ attitudes
Chief Mark Allan has bet on the future of flagship malls
1 Undershaft will be the same height as the Shard across the Thames
US investment group had been in exclusive talks to buy office building for about £300mn
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings
The City of London’s closure of the old meat market displays an insulting disrespect for trade and civic pride
Investors ‘increasingly cautious’ about the asset class
Plans to move trading halls to a new, modern facility in Dagenham were shelved earlier this month
Real estate developer CPIPG, run by Radovan Vítek, preparing to segregate assets after Cypriot court order
Canadian asset manager agrees to provide equity commitment if landlord cannot pay off bonds
With Japan’s hotel market booming, now would be a good time for the group to consider selling the Park Hyatt Tokyo
Rents on Via Monte Napoleone have jumped as tax break schemes lure super-rich
Two big London landlords say portfolio valuations improving as rents rise and rates fall
Number of new properties coming to market is weakest since 2021, driving rent rises, Rics survey finds
Canadian asset manager agrees to sell warehouse assets after triumphing in takeover bid
Australian pension fund partners with UK property group in bet on asset class hit by higher rates and remote working
Interest rates have peaked and activity in several sectors is picking up, but some fear bad news is still to emerge
Governments’ push towards net zero could lead to increased cost of upgrading buildings
Logistics properties have become one of the most attractive parts of the commercial real estate sector
Sale by Alpine Grove Partners and Baupost set to offer test of demand for office space as sector recovers from the pandemic
Landlords who have delayed writing down property values will have to take losses despite wider recovery
Simon Carter says higher debt costs have levelled the playing field as UK property group buys several retail parks