FT writers and readers confess their money blunders, bad investments and inane purchases
But landlords are buying a lower proportion of properties overall
Levy on second homes and buy-to-lets raised from 3 per cent to 5 per cent
Labour’s legislation goes further than Tory proposals by committing to abolish no fault evictions
Ground rents, rates and insurance add to mortgage costs
Buy-to-let property sales are on the rise
Speculation that Labour will align CGT with income tax rates
The latest data suggests buy-to-let purchases are down, mortgage lending has dropped off and the sector is shrinking
Authorities trying to encourage local buyers are losing out
On average, buying a home with a capital and interest mortgage is 11 per cent more expensive than renting
Zoopla data puts annual rise at 6.6 per cent, a 30-month low
High demand affects tenants’ bills across much of the country
UK chancellor says the move would encourage the wealthy to sell, so boosting state coffers and freeing housing supply
Edinburgh government’s housing bill prompts fresh concerns
Chief Helen Gordon says speedier court processes are needed before introducing measure to protect tenants
Government concessions on renters reform bill leave landlords facing a higher risk of vacant periods
The threat of new legislation comes at a time of high interest rates and inflation
As small private landlords bail out, it should open the door to commercial developers with access to cheap finance
FT Money wants to hear from readers
But policy uncertainty could hit investment plans
Higher UK mortgage rates push landlords towards the tax advantages of company ownership
Tenants in the UK capital face surging rents and eviction as landlords pass on pressure from higher borrowing costs
Suggestions the government will delay energy efficiency deadline leave winners and losers in the rental market
Landlords look to get rid of financial ‘headache’ by exiting rental market, further depressing the housing market
Landlords with buy-to-rent mortgages are passing on their pain