Mitsubishi Motors may join holding company to form world’s third-largest carmaker
Deal terms, Renault’s position, differing cultures and a possible rival bidder could all upset plans for a combination
Plus, the infamous German financier Lars Windhorst sits down to tell his side of the story — and answer our questions — on camera
Rather than trying to build electric-vehicle manufacturing scale, traditional carmakers should seek out a different route
Carmakers face problems of Chinese competition, a shrinking domestic market and the threat of tariffs
The Japanese carmakers are grappling with fast-growing Chinese rivals and sluggish consumer demand for EVs
The inside story on the Asia tech trends that matter, from Nikkei Asia and the Financial Times
Carmaker looks for steady shareholder as longtime partner Renault sells down its holding
Transport secretary Louise Haigh says she is in ‘listening mode’ about manufacturers’ challenges
Carmakers fear goals unreachable as consumer demand softens
Donald Trump makes his first appointments
Hedge fund Effissimo Capital is known for high-profile campaigns against big Japanese companies
Carmaker to slash global production capacity by a fifth in emergency turnaround plan
Japanese carmakers do not rule out future capital tie-up as they unveiled sweeping alliance
Profits at both carmakers fall as demand wanes and pressure on pricing grows
Makoto Uchida tells FT summit that carmaker plans to overhaul strategy as sales fall in world’s largest vehicle market
Japanese carmaker has fallen behind in electric vehicle race and lacks scale needed to compete globally
The Japanese carmakers are under pressure from coming wave of high-tech, low-cost electric vehicles from China
Chief executive says ‘we cannot do this alone’ as carmaker responds to threat from Chinese rivals
Gap with Toyota is set to widen and low-priced Chinese electric cars are a threat
Japan’s two biggest carmakers forge partnership in face of competition from China’s low-cost manufacturers
Company puts its pedal to the metal despite slowing EV demand
Deal would turn facility into all-EV factory as Japanese group transitions models to green energy
Japanese carmaker expected to invest £1bn and allay any uncertainty over future of its UK factory
Makoto Uchida’s intervention comes after UK pushes back dates for ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars