With global economies stuck in low growth, profit margins cannot rise forever and political risks may increase
Parental support has effects well beyond getting on the housing ladder
Investors taking a bet on global equities are very reliant on profit forecasts for a handful of companies
Geopolitical turmoil, smoke-and-mirrors fiscal planning and quantitative tightening: the risks are many — but now might still be the time to buy UK government bonds
Assets in US index-trackers now outstrip those in stock selectors as investors opt for a smoother ride
After a surprise surge in shares in recent weeks, there is uncertainty ahead in the next year
A collapse in risk appetite may require a really dramatic geopolitical event or mistake by central banks
After sharing in big American equity returns of past years, should UK savers now rethink their approach amid high valuations, a regulatory threat and Fed rate rises?
Wealth managers are embracing AI as a research tool and for improving client relations — but does it have the magic touch?
It might be more difficult to make money from risky assets than it was in the 2010s
Limited stock selection gives savers few good choices
There is plenty of scope for future governments to get into trouble
With the equity-bonds portfolio struggling to deliver value, savers may need fresh ingredients
Darwinian pressures will change the finance sector
After years of underperformance, exacerbated by Brexit, could shares see a re-rating?
Next year could see a resumption of conditions in which economies stagnate while financial markets boom if the Fed pivots soon
A timely and erudite history traces our ambiguous attitudes towards moneymaking and laissez faire trade
Instead of tight fiscal policy and loose monetary policy of recent years, markets are being confronted with the reverse
Climate change and plans to cut carbon emissions will have a huge impact on portfolios
A Tinkerbell moment may have arrived as investors are unconvinced that monetary policy can tame inflation
Investors will have to put more money aside if they want to achieve their targets
International diversification did not work for US investors
Being tested on your knowledge of trivia and watching others display theirs — or the lack of it — is a national pastime
After declining for 40 years, rising bond yields pose a risk for stocks
If future returns are going to be low, investors face some very difficult decisions