© Clara San Millán

This article picked by a teacher with suggested questions is part of the Financial Times free schools access programme. Details/registration here.

Read below a selection of FT articles picked by financial literacy teachers with classroom questions/discussion points, mapped by theme. View the full selection here.

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  • Investing


The article discusses the importance of financial education for young people and the benefits of starting to invest early. Despite a push to improve financial literacy in schools, many young adults still lack basic money management skills.

It highlights that starting to save and invest early can have a big impact on future wealth, especially due to compound interest. Experts argue that a stronger focus on financial education in schools could better prepare young people for important financial decisions.

Click to read the article and then answer the questions:

The best investment tip of all? Start when you’re young


  • How does compounding make your money grow faster over time?

  • What are some benefits of starting to save or invest early in life?

  • How do you think learning about topics like savings and investing could impact your future choices?

  • If you wanted to explain the benefits of compounding to a friend, how would you describe it?

Tim Ranzetta, Next Gen Personal Finance

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2025. All rights reserved.
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