All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the connection, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. My Life, Our Times is the memoir of which 21st-century British prime minister?

  2. Who’s the manager of the fictional Premier League football team AFC Richmond?

  3. Who did Harold Godwinson succeed as the Anglo-Saxon king of England in 1066?

  4. Who founded what’s now the UK’s biggest architectural firm?

  5. What’s the UK’s biggest water company?

  6. What comes first alphabetically in a list of US presidents’ first names?

  7. What’s the alternative title of the hymn “He Who Would Valiant Be”?

  8. Which bestselling science book of 1988 ends with the words: “for then we would know the mind of God”?

  9. Which mostly instrumental hit of 1979 begins with the words: “Hey you! Don’t watch that, watch this”?

  10. In which traditional song does the singer receive 364 presents?

Click here for the answers

James Walton is co-host of “The Booker Prize Podcast”

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